martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Bay in a Day

Jorge Bay in a Day from mistermark on Vimeo.

On my Bay in a Day video I have taken the chronological approach. I have dedicated myself to making the video on a 24 hour scale, from the morning until the night. My theme is time, which can be reflected upon the progression of visual light, up until utter darkness on the city of Puerto Vallarta. I have accomplished this by adding several photos from different places or keypoints on Puerto Vallarta. I also considered other themes for my video, like a more civilian approach to Puerto Vallarta, what do they do, and where; I also considered making my video about only a quick journey through Vallarta as if touring by car. Although I did take some photos out of my car, many of the photos I took were taken on foot, which really got me tired.

The activity did come out to be a truly fun one. The process however, was complicated and quite the bumpy road. I first of all took all the photos throughout a period of three days on a long weekend, going all around the city. After that, I selected my song and decided for the theme. At last, I used Movie Maker to put my whole video together, from the photos, videos, music and at last, animations and transitions. Probably one of the issues that I encountered was the timing on the images and transitions, since transitions really mess up timing on your pre-timed photos. So, I had to personally had to deal with this issue by changing the preset time on every single transitions and simply put them all again. Today, I exported the video file and I am practically done with this, rather long activity.

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

One Day on Earth

I did like the second video, the first video was way too viral in my opinion. The First video had a lot of media, but still it was a good video, not too good though. The second video, even though it was a trailer was a professional style exhibit of visual media, the first video was a total mess of images with a weird song. The second video has a finer perspective of what is a life on Earth, it captures the eyes far easier. The first video tries to capture your attention desperately by including a song that may inflict some sort of deep message into it, it takes the value of the pictures completely out. The message of the second video is to actually inspire to make your own video, it basically ravages you with words indicating that, it is intended to make you think about the current world conflict.

There were some really important "chunks" to the video, some bad or some good, they made the video what it is. On the first video, the chunks of the trash can, bombing and a guy on jail. I really liked this part, this part shows you the real world, it shows you that no country is perfect but rather plagued by some wrong. On the second video, the part when there is a quick and noticeable change in ethnicity, people working in several places, was a really key element to this "trailer", it truly transmits the message. This parts were key since they really show you the world as a whole, and immense planet. I can't wait to decide the approach I am going to take towards this activity, although a I really don't have good hopes of making a very good video.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Fuel Efficiency and the BP disaster

This year, one more time humanity has been shown the dangers of dependance on crude oil, with the help of the BP disaster on the Gulf of Mexico. Fuel efficiency, the smart decision to make, has been around for a while now, but the industrial mongers keep repressing their importance to the environment. Although some cars, like the hybrid, have escaped this oppression and had come out for sale, and actually has been sold quite a while, there is still much to do about this subject. I do consider the smart decision when I get into my car, that's why I walk to school, why waste money, and in the process actually cooperating in the environmental movement for the good of the planet. I should as well as any person consider this fact while thinking of getting into any gas-based vehicle, there were animals killed in the BP incident, people lost their jobs, all because of the constant demand for an overused type of fuel. In conclusion, the use of fuel efficient vehicles is good, it is good 0n your wallet and for the environment, just a small step in the environmental movement that has finally been alive these last years.



miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Distance/Fuel Measurement Chart

So, for the past two days we have been working on finding out how much gasoline we use to get to school, by computing data like distance betwenn house and school, fuel usage by car, etc. This project in particular has been quite complex for some, but rather easy for myself, as I live near the school. I found out I only use 23 liters per year with my car to get here, and on my dream car an Audi R8, I would use 26 liters to get to school a year. The fact that I use so little gasoline to get here, makes up for the fact that I rather walk to school. The fact that I walk to school is a good form of exercise, and perhaps the only, since I have quite my running routine a while ago.
2007 BMW X5 4.8i Day Week Year(185) 9p/L

15.7l/100K 0.062 0.310075 11.47278 $103.25

DC:2010 Audi R8 0.14299 0.71495 26.45315 $238.08


2010 Mazda Tribute Hybrid 0.06162 0.3081 11.3997 $102.60


2010 Ford Focus 0.10902 0.5451 20.1687 $181.51


martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

Google Earth Tours

Today on computer class we viewed our peers Google Earth tours, which was a mixed experience. The first tour was Ximena's tour, it only had to places, her house and Miami, those two destinations seemed interesting. However, there were four locations, and Miami was mispelled as Mami, it also showed from a far distance some islands whose name I can't recall, the whole tour was supposedly erased as a mistake, but still it was ok. The second tour was Mahonry's, it actually only had his house for 35 seconds with a rotating camera. The problem was exactly that, it was also another tecnical issue, such a shame, I actually saw the original last week and it was pretty cool. The third and last tour was Raul's, his tour was complete and included places such as Disneyland and New York, which are two totally awesome places. The only criticism I could add would be reduce probably by a few seconds each destination, but it was overall a great piece of work. In conclusion, this activity had a lot of cassualties thanks to tecnical issues, so it would be a mixed experience.

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

JOY Post

J:This past summer was quite exciting. I bought Starcraft 2, which I am still playing 'till this day, I actually played the first game twelve years ago. The game requires quite a lot of ability and requires the player to actually have a brain. The original game actually turned into an actual professional sport on Korea, where the best players are from. The game helped me remind the old times as well as reactivate my brain from the vacation period. Apart from the game, I actually started running in my afternoons to get in a better shape(yes, I am not joking). I discovered running was quite challenging, I ran all over Marina, about 5km in 30 minutes for like two weeks up until I got back to school; I am quite busy now. I still run on the weekend as it became sort of like a hobby, I actually really enjoyed these vacations.

O: In these rather incredibly stressful times of school work there is one thing I would love to do, sleep. I actually sleep an average six hours a day which is about two hours less of the eight I should sleep. What happened really was that during the past vacations I started to sleep really late on the nights, I'm talking 3-5 a.m. This is truly the reason why I am so tired at school, but there is one thing I never had and will do, fall asleep on class. For the past 3 years or so I have slept for a little time and yet I have done alright in my grades, I actually love learning as nerdy as it sounds. So I will try to get some more sleeping time as it really doesn't affect me to sleep some more time, or does it? I can handle stress pretty good and I have found that waking up early gave me advantages like: more time to study, chill and listen to some music and arrive early to school. With this said, I would still try to get some more sleep.

Y: I have never liked to be part of the average person, that's why I don't consider myself average. You may call it nerdy or pure weirdness but I have very unique tastes. I personally like learning new stuff a lot more than just going out of my house to party. I don't like parties, it is actually a recently "acquired" taste, but I don't like parties. I like video games, but I also hate that people start classifying me as a nerd, though I really don't bother hitting them back. I believe that physical defense is quite natural to any animal, including humans, so I do have a fuse, a very long one. I have played video games for over twelve years now and I still love them just like then. So with the previous comments stated, this is why I am different from the other people.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

8th Grade Typing Tracker year

During this eight grade, I have, for the first time, used Typing Master. On computer class, we were assigned to record the test results for the whole test result. I have come a long way since scoring a 6 on the test to a 33, it was quite a bumpy road. I have definitely improved on my scored throughout the year. This is mainly for starting to use good coordination between eyes and fingers, not looking at the keyboard that much. Practicing this tecnique gave me a huge advantage and helped me improve my grades. I do feel as typing should be still practiced during the next school year, the ninth grade. I also feel as I can improve my typing speed, typing fast and accurately could be quite useful on the future; specially on this ever changing times. So, I would definitely like including typing tests on the next year. In the end, I got a good speed, but I still think I can do much better.

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

This graph has proven to be a relatively good tool to show my grade growth. It is good to the basic level. This graph indicates the growth for MAP reading test taken over this eight grade.

This graph is not so useful to show the grade growth of this schoolyear. I think it should be used to indicate the increase in sales of a company with regards to several product. This graph shows the grade growth of the MAP language tests taken oer the this eight grade.

This graph is useful to indicate my grade growth in the MAP tests of this school year. It is quite useful because it indicated grade by test specifically. This graph indicates the grade growth of MAP math tests taken over this eight grade.

The best possible graph that could be used to display the grade growth would be the third, because it is specific on every test, this allowing you to see the growth with much more ease than the other two graphs.

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

Since April the twentieth up to this day, there has been a constant oil leak on the Gulf of Mexico. It was caused by a wellhead blowout and it also took a ship by putting it on fire, there were fifteen+ deaths caused by the fire and enormous environmental damage. The oil leak is now damaging unmeasurable amounts of wildlife. It is foreseen that the leak will damage the fishing industries and tourism on the Gulf as well as the environmental damage. The responsible for this disaster is BP, or british petroleum, and will pay the relatively little amount of 7.5 billion dollars. The company won't really suffer from this loss since they make a lot more than that in revenue. Also, BP will remain having its huge income level, know why?, we as the greatly advanced human race haven't figured out what other fuel to use besides petroleum.

The fact that injustices like this happen are extremely unfair for the affected, all the wildlife, birds and fish. The fact of the matter is that to add insult to the injury, BP had planned to cap the leak, however are already foreseeing failure, even before doing it. Many ideas have arose and yet BP has made an excuse to avoid those ideas. Some good ideas that aren't being used in all the affected areas are the use of hay, dishwasher, hair and a brilliant idea of an all naturally made absorbent of oil that repels water, invented by a colombian inventor. I personally think that the idea of the all natural absorbent and dishwasher are going to work, and even better, they're cheap. This disaster has been one of the worst in history and the bad thing is that it is still leaking. Maybe now, that we're seeing how much harm can be done with the use of petroleum, we will concentrate at figuring out alternatives to petroleum. Many advances in the search of an alternative have been made, the use of solar energy, gas created from cane, etc. In conclusion, this disaster is forcing us to find a environmental-friendly fuel to prevent atrocities like this to ever happen again.

Edit 06/06/10: Cap has been places and it is reportedly picking up 6,000 gallons a day, it is expected for the cap to start picking up 10,000 + gallons on the next week.

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Image 1 modified from:

martes, 1 de junio de 2010

MAP TEST...again

Last Week the entire high school had to do MAP testing, it was quite annoying. On the fall we also had a MAP testing week, it was quite the same deal. Computer class was replaced with sports or something, also some classes were replace by health and it was overall an annoying experience. I wouldn't change anything about the testing process because it had its benefits, take missing computer class, it was fun. I was happy with my scores since they were almost the same as last times, but still I could analyze the questions to get a better grade. The free spirit day thing was clearly not a motivation for doing good at the tests, I did it because I want to enhance my knowledge. In conclusing this MAP testing thing was boring, but neccesary.
Image taken from:

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Enviromental Power Points (Grading of Air Pollution)

After analyzing thoroughly my peers' work, I came to the conclusion that their presentations were almost perfect. All of us, for the exception of Raul talked about air pollution, he talked about fossil fuel burning, which is hugely related to air pollution. I realized that my teammates also agree in the fact that air pollution is the most severe form of pollution. I was satisfied with my presentation since it was pretty direct and accurate. I may have changed the pictures selection a little bit if I were to redo the presentation. In conclusion, the presentations made me realize that we really have to do something to stop the pollution level; these presentations really helped me getting inspired to do those things.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010


There had been times on my time as a student in which I have seen some crappy presentations, this is an example. There was this one time, about a year ago, in which a teacher introduced us into taxonomy(classification). The presentation was indeed very useful, though I remember that it was like 30 slides long. Also, the slides were filled with a huge amount of words. All that info really made the subject a difficult thing to understand. The teacher knew by the 15th slide he had lost the audience. Although, she knew the presentation was too confusing, she kept on going and the next day he decided to leave us a surprise test. The test was easy, but the other 90% of the class did not think that.

jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Things About Being A Gamer

1. Good Shooters
2. Fun Times
3. Time passes faster
4. You can do it for days and don't get bored
5. Playstation
6. Flash Games
7. Platstation Network
8. Console Gaming\
9. Free Demos
10. Beating people older than youself online
11. Random Teams
12. Renting Games
13. God of War
14. Getting all Rambo with an M60 on a shooter
15. Good Way to exercise.
16. No need for anything else.
17. The Resident Evil Saga
18. You get trophies!
19. You can get back at someone in a non violent(physically speaking) way.
20. You get an addiction that at least entertains need to take drugs...
21. If you have a ps3 or xbox360, it is like having a computer...on your TV!!!
22. You can brag about trophies.
23. You can be proud of youself.
24.Videogames are forever.
25. You can actually get a huge rep on the videogame world...depending on your skill.

1. Lagging
2. Little Kids playing Mature Games
3. Very old people who play videogames
4. Noobs
5. Players who start to think they are soldiers for real
6. Soccer Games
7. Basketball Games
8. PGA Games.
9. Low bugget games.
10. Players who wont stop swearing.
11. Downloadable content for games.
12. Download speed of your console.
13. People who stalk you and send you menacing messages.
14. People who claim to know you
15. People who add you as your friend...and don't know who you are.
16. Educational Games.
17. Hackers
18. TACTICAL NUKES(On Modern Warfare 2)
19. Impossible to achieve trophies
20. Games whose story is too short.
21. Matching System:level 1 (you) against guys of level 40+
22. Microphone users.
23. You get judged by people.
24. Gamer haters.
25. Bad voice acting or lip-synching, bad animation

martes, 27 de abril de 2010

Earth Day Rubric Stuff

Today, on the class the class along with myself graded some earth day projects, one from seventh grade and the other from the twelfth grade. I graded two projects, one was good an the other one was so-so. The seventh grade video was weird, the audio was kind of death metal/alternative, a music piece clearly not apt for an Earth Day video. The voices weren't clear and it had some images that weren't related to the subject. I would have changed the audio.The twelfth grade video was almost perfect, the images were clear, also the music didn't shadow the video. There is nothing that need a change. In conclusion, it was a good activity to do, I would probably do it again.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

What is the most serious environmental problem facing Earth today?

I believe the most serious problem Earth is facing today is definitely air pollution. This may not seem right because not anywhere people can actually see air pollution. The main source of air pollution is caused by the humans. Wether it is by combustion of fuels or the use of radiactive material, humans are to blame for this serious problem. The other factor that cause this issue is deforestation, which is why the main pollutant, carbon dioxide, spreads through the world. The whole excess of carbon dioxide thing is actually caused by the overpopulated human race. This problem can be solved, but the acceptance of the fact that the people have to stop reproducing that much is going to take some time. The habit of reproducing is in our very nature, but the excess of a habit becomes an addiction, a deadly one.

The main reason for overpopulation has been our extremely sedentary lifestyle. To this also adds the fact that medicine and sciene is able to raise our lifespan expectancy. So, in a way our own technology is killing us. However, we can't stop using medicine because it is immoral and it will only cause harm. Basically we have got to the point in which reducing the population is almost impossible. We as humans don't think its normal yet to use birth control methods, sure some people do but not most of the people do. From the beginning of time, humans have grown the habit of hunting and living together, this habit has been changed in the way in which we take much more than needed. There is also the big fact that we simply waste resources, straight forward throwing away near-new products.

As simple biology states, we humans breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. The normal person would think that the amount produced its nothing. But only if you could multiply that quantity for 6 billion in a constant rate, the amount is immense. Also, one person would think that trees would simply use it, even considering it a favor towards the trees, wrong. Trees are disappearing and it is destroying affecting us directly, and so thats why we can see the effects of air pollution in most big cities, there are no trees in those places. Trees and plants in general are what makes other life possible on the planet, they keep the environment in balance. We need to perform sustainable activities.

So, this far reducing pollution seems straight forward morally wrong. If we are willing to keep the human race alive for more time, we have to learn to coexist with the many other organisms on the planet. Over time, we have settled on the planet as if we are the only organisms that inhabit the planet. You can easily see the effects of overpopulation, wars, starvation, massacres. It is all due for the constant need of resources and if we don't want violence we have to learn to take advantage of every last part of resources. Humans are now starting to understand the value of their resources, because they're running out. We are now starting to recycle and make a smarter use of what we have.

In conclusion, we can still keep evolving in the science and with medicine but we also need to make big changes in our way of life. We need to start to stop depending solely on technology, we have survived before and we shall do it again if we really try hard. We can take much advantage of technology but up until the moment technology doesn't damage so harshly the planet. We should use the great advances in technology we have and start making changes, like birth control and just with this we will be able to see big changes in the world. If you're not selfish and you want the other generations of humans to deal with our troubles you shall help and you shall care more about the organism that gives the most, the Earth.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Earth Day Project

This project was indeed problematic and straight up bad. The idea was to create a video, with a narration of a song or a poem, with instrumental music and only photos that we took ourselves could be used, it was a project involving earth day. This project doesn't really remind me of a computer's class, since I wasn't really learning how to use a program, I already know my way around WMM. My team was composed of Eduardo and myself. The first few days, we dedicated our time in searching for a poem. Then, we took the photos, then we had some trouble in downloading a Youtube video. This Tuesday, as we were willing to finish the project on recess, when we borrowed the USB to some guys and boom!, the info was gone. Now, both Eduardo and myself will have to stay tomorrow on yet another recess to finally finish it.

lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

2010 Spring Break

A springbreak in Puerto Vallarta is for a start, really boring, this 2010 nothing changed. Some people might not think it is true, but for two whole weeks I did not leave my house. I really did not feel like going out to enjoy the beaches, I am tired of all that. The only thing I wanted from this vacation was some rest, and I got it. I actually challenged myself to do so for the two weeks, challenge which I easily completed. It was so boring I actually ran out of ideas of what to do inside my house.

Even though I actually didn't go out of my house, I did a number of things to try to entertain myself. I watched TV, I used my computer to search for random stuff and played some videogames. I passed all over again two games, one was Bioshock 2: Actually, the game was quite fun and overall entertaining to play, it also received a good score. I also this other game called Ratchet and Clank a Crack in Time all over again, it was fun:

The TV portion of the break was indeed boring. Most of the good shows will not give a new episode until after the break, which is bad. So, it basically worked out like this: I would watch old shows and classic simpsons one and a half hour episode segment on Fox, but the good thing was that I got back to watching Lost. By that time I had not seen about two whole seasons, I had simply had given up on the series, I mean... 4 seasons in a island isn't that fun. But with the help of streaming sites dedicated to Lost, I got myself up to date. I also used this site called: to clear out some stuff.

The computer portion of the break actually made me embrace the boring person I am. A normal day with regards to computer use usually consisted of searching random facts on Wikipedia and watching some online episodes of some series (e.g. Lost, American Dad). I would also see some Google to get up to date. In conclusion, it was a very contrasting break, I had a lot of time and I wasted it cool!

jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010


If I were to be alone for seven days, it would be a good time. First thing I would do would be play video games. Playing video games is really a good way to entertain yourself when alone. Video games are addicting, which makes the time pass slowly, how bad. I would probably play video games for a whole lifetime if posible. Second thing I would do would be watch the TV show "House". I really enjoy to see the same episodes, since the show is indeed clever and fun. Although the show is repetitive in almost every episode, the subject of talk is fun and cool. The whole show is one big journey, you probably will start to think of yourself as a doctor after a few episodes. I recommend you to don't actually start to solve some medical mysteries.

Third thing I would would be sleep. I really do not sleep a lot when I am school days, about 5 to 6 hours tops, yes, its kind of messed up. I would spend probably a day or two sleeping or just lying in my bed. I would probably induce some sleep in me by watching boring shows like the Power Rangers. I would really enjoy some well deserved rest. Fourth thing I would do would be research some random internet files. You never know what you can discover on the internet, and reading random stuff is really fun. I would probably research about some world war or something, I mean, what else is interesting? I could also try to read some online books, it is fun, it is SOMETIMES free and you can learn something off of it.

Fifth and final thing I would do without a soul on a lapse of seven days would be seeing old movies. I suppose that the reason movies are still made is because there have been some good movies in the past. I would watch classic movies, not some old senseless movie. I am thinking it actually may be fun to watch the original King Kong for example. And it would also be fun to realize how the special effects have advanced over time. In conclusion, my full week without anyone around me would be fun!

martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

8th Grade Rotoball

8th Grade RotoBall from mistermark on Vimeo

This past two weeks the class has been working on a Rotoball-related flash project, this is the story. Basically, the flash is about myself bouncing a ball and using a SNES controller frenetically. I really had a hard time getting my flash to work, but I liked the challenge. As I said on my previous entry, I enjoy using Flash. What I had more trouble with was getting the tweens to work. The whole project was a real good activity and I personally would do it again. The only thing I would have added to my flash would had been more detail to the character. I have an idea about my next flash, it would be about an epic Star Wars episode 4 remake in four minutes.
In conclusion, I liked the whole activity and I would do it again.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

Changes in Rotoball

Today, our class watched the finished project of the rotoball thing. The only thing I would have made to my video would be a more detailed character and background. I was blown away by the finished project itself. I really could have never thought about the class making such a good video. I will also would like to complement Rodrigo's editing job, he did it in his own time, he really is a good sport. I have to admit, when we saw the examples of rotoball, I could have never thought I could make something that good. In conclusion, I'm looking forward to making another flash group project....or a solo flash project.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

My Rotoball

This past two weeks the class has been working on a Rotoball-related flash project, this is the story. Basically, the flash is about myself bouncing a ball and using a SNES controller frenetically. I really had a hard time getting my flash to work, but I liked the challenge. As I said on my previous entry, I enjoy using Flash. What I had more trouble with was getting the tweens to work. The whole project was a real good activity and I personally would do it again. The only thing I would have added to my flash would had been more detail to the character. I have an idea about my next flash, it would be about an epic Star Wars episode 4 remake in four minutes.
In conclusion, I liked the whole activity and I would do it again.

martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

My Rotoball Idea

So, basically, today we were showed some nice flash concept of an animation. The focus of the animation was creation of a changing "ball" which did not have any restrictions, but to simply interact with the ball. While I was watching this animations, it occurred to me to do some animation regarding something I like, like video games. The problem with the subject, is that is hard to involve a ball while I am playing. I consider this as a big challenge, but I am open for some difficult challenge. Perhaps, after I do this I will know gain some more experience with flash. In conclusion, I am awaiting to figure out who I am going to make the animation deal work out.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

Emerging Technology

In the video, the creation of a new technology is shown. This man is basically demonstrating what he has come up with, the creation of another level of interaction between the virtual and physical world. The humanly written sticky that is passed on to the computer is one great example. This man really is thinking in a way to really create progress, since the program is destined to be a share ware. The new emerging technology such as the sticky notes really created an impact on myself since this means we are getting really close to the big leap in robotics.

The greatest thing about this technology is the things you could actually do with it. The nice thing is the fact to have a computer that you can use practically on anywhere. The greatest complications are the fact that this technology has to first of all be invented, which I guess will take a long time. The also big factor is the privacy sacrifice you will be making by deciding to use this very portable "computer".

An open source software is a almost free software, easy to use, easy to download. The pros are the fact that such a good software is available and that this would be easy to access practically to anyone. The bad fact for the person who made it is the problems with piracy. The thing is as innovating as this sofware is, there are going to be many problems with the making of it, but, there is definitely no doubt that this software is going to revolutionize the way we live.

jueves, 21 de enero de 2010

Parenting, Privacy and Control

Yesterday, we watched on Mr. Laposky's class a very interesting film about the internet. I saw a very interesting subject on the film, that there is really no privacy on the internet. I have to state, not only that fact is true, but, that internet is incredibly dangerous. I am going to be honest and say that I really would not give my passwords to my online accounts to my parents, I really do not have anything to hide, but, I just want some privacy. However, with this said, I have to say some people may have to actually do that. The film contained portions of a television program that investigated the cases of people being stalked by online predators. This film will really inform the parents of the programs, but, will cause some commotion with their children. There is a lot of danger on the Internet and it needs to be prevented if the person does not know what to not do on the internet. In conclusion, a program like this may be directed at the people who really are hiding something, and to them, the parents may get those passwords.

Identity Play

Yesterday, we saw a very interesting film about internet. There was an specific subject I would like to discuss, posting personal information on the web. This is a very clear and normal thing to respond to, at least that's how I think, I do not post personal information about myself. I really try to not post anything about myself, perhaps my name, but I would not post any photo of myself or birthday on my profiles. First of all, I know the dangers of posting something online, that is why I keep the Internet a serious business. Some people will surely think I am a weirdo, I really don't care about their thoughts...or them. I really direct my profile information to odd is it, right?. I know many people could view my profile, but I know would not like to, that is why I make an effort to input only lame and untrue information about myself. I really think that people who make up an internet dual identity truely do not have a life, just like myself, but I am reffering to the people that invent facts just to show how they "not" are. I have to get to the conclusion that people simply have to be aware that a little more info than needed and they can get into some serious trouble.

Social Networking -- Keeping in Touch

Yesterday, we almost finished watching this film about the internet evolving influence on the people, it was cool. So, there was a very interesting subject with regards the "online conflicts" with other people. I really think this conflict is in fact bad, why?, you are insulting someone that most probably you would not insult in person. What this "tactic" does is only make up an image of the aggressor being such a "bully", well, he really is just a coward with some spare time. I would have to say, online "junk talk" only does harm to the people, to be honest, I would not mind, but, there are many people who do get offended. I haven't done this, since I really do not use the internet to really "communicate" a lot, and I am planning to not do this either. To conclude, this internet conlfict thing really hast to stop for the good of the internet community.

viernes, 8 de enero de 2010

Growing Up Online

I have to say that on this constantly evolving world, reading a book, such a traditional custom is simply fading out. The times are changing and so the teachers, the mentors, have to get use to this modern times. This kid reads summaries, so what?, he is still finding out about of the story. I have to say this is not cheating, if someone would try to stop the thousands of people who do it it wouldn't be possible, it would be opression. The people simply have to get use it and use the good things from old customs just like reading and apply them to the modern times. I have to say, I still read the whole book, and I probably would still do it 'till the day I die, but that's just me. The only thing I hope from the future is that education and its rewards prevail for some good time.

jueves, 7 de enero de 2010

Internet at Home

A computer is different from the television because you can interact with it, whereas the televison can only be watched. A computer is different from the radi0 in that you may see the computer, there is a visual, you can only hear the radio. A computer is different from magazines in that you can watch actual videos, whereas in the magazines, only pictures. A computer is different from a book in which you can hear things like music, on a book you can only read.
There are about 6 computers at my home. The computer is used for practically everything. Everyone on my house uses a computer. There is only one desktop which is set on my brother's room, all the other computers are laptops. My parents use the computer a little, my brothers and I use the computer for a lot of time. The computers are really good.

martes, 5 de enero de 2010

Winter Vacations

This three week holiday I really did not do anything productive. At the beginning of the vacation period I completed an english assignment. Then the rest of the time I played a childish videogame called Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time. So basically I would sit and wait 'till Christmas day just playing videogames and watching TV nonstop. During the vacations I slept very late in the night and I also did not sleep for two days straight for a killer insomnia. I really enjoyed my vacations even though it may be considered a total waste of time.

Talking about Christmas in Mexico and more specifically in Puerto Vallarta, the climate ruins the whole day. I had a very normal Christmas with my family, ate turkey and other stuff, but the heat simply ruined the "special" day. When I actually finished eating I actually just went up to my room and fell asleep 'till like 8 a.m of the other day. Then again I will have to note, my Christmas was a pretty average one, but it may be considered extremely lame by others.

This last year I concluded the 2009 in a very lame way. My family oranized a average party for the celebration of the new year, then again I just ate and went to sleep, I slept before 12 o' clock, I didn't even wait 'till 12. So, I basically welcomed the new year by waking up the other day and having breakfeast in a very normal way. In conclusion I had a pretty average holiday, and It was nice to take a break off of school.

(Picture 1 was taken from:

(Picture 2 was taken from:

(Picture 3 was taken from: