jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010


If I were to be alone for seven days, it would be a good time. First thing I would do would be play video games. Playing video games is really a good way to entertain yourself when alone. Video games are addicting, which makes the time pass slowly, how bad. I would probably play video games for a whole lifetime if posible. Second thing I would do would be watch the TV show "House". I really enjoy to see the same episodes, since the show is indeed clever and fun. Although the show is repetitive in almost every episode, the subject of talk is fun and cool. The whole show is one big journey, you probably will start to think of yourself as a doctor after a few episodes. I recommend you to don't actually start to solve some medical mysteries.

Third thing I would would be sleep. I really do not sleep a lot when I am school days, about 5 to 6 hours tops, yes, its kind of messed up. I would spend probably a day or two sleeping or just lying in my bed. I would probably induce some sleep in me by watching boring shows like the Power Rangers. I would really enjoy some well deserved rest. Fourth thing I would do would be research some random internet files. You never know what you can discover on the internet, and reading random stuff is really fun. I would probably research about some world war or something, I mean, what else is interesting? I could also try to read some online books, it is fun, it is SOMETIMES free and you can learn something off of it.

Fifth and final thing I would do without a soul on a lapse of seven days would be seeing old movies. I suppose that the reason movies are still made is because there have been some good movies in the past. I would watch classic movies, not some old senseless movie. I am thinking it actually may be fun to watch the original King Kong for example. And it would also be fun to realize how the special effects have advanced over time. In conclusion, my full week without anyone around me would be fun!

3 comentarios:

  1. Your essay is really well written. I Would probably do the first 2 things you mentioned. The others I would do outdoor sports, such as surfing, golfing, and skateboarding. I would never think of reading articles on the internet. Maybe I would watch videos on youtube or something like that. When you get a vacation from school the only thing you want to do is release stress and chill. Nice job man!

  2. Hello, this is a great post. I realized that you have a very particular point of view. That's great, every single person has their own specific point of view. If I were alone for seven days I would hang out with my friends, play video games, watch some television, in other words I would do whatever I want!

  3. Jorge you have a very well written essay in your hands. I couldn't find any errors of Grammar or Spelling. Congratualations for that. You are right Video games are addictive, I will to play a lot of video games, specially Modern Warfare 2, if i had the seven days with nobody else. I will also relax and watch TV like you. I don't think what Sebastian said applies, because your suppose to be alone not with friends. It will be nice to have some time alone?? Yeah. Like Sebastian said we can do what ever we wanted, :D
