viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

Typing Reflection

On the beginning of the year, I started with my classmates a so called "Typing Test"; it has been interesting.

In contrast, since my start, I had six as a gross speed, immediately after that I've been getting 20's and 21's. So getting straight to the point, I obviuosly have been improving. My next personal goal is to get to the 25's-27's, to achive this goal I will have to start getting the picture of the keyboard stuck on my head for good.

Next week, we're doing a so called "blind test", which consists of writing without looking at the keyboard. I really am being realistic and I expect to get like 75-80% accuracy and like 14-16 words per hour. I am ready to confront this challenge, in a realistic manner.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

Future Artifact

Well, what could I say from this project; it was entertaining. At the beginning, I was freaked out because I couldn't compare my basic Ps skills to the seasoned veterans; I couldn't but I am proud of my work. Through the whole process I had some issues; where is this tool?, how can I use the sharpen tool?, etc. All of this was solved investigating, getting used to Ps, it had to become your "home program". I started to work with a simple image of a chocholate factory, I ended up with this; it was a hard bumpy road, entertaining too. The only thing I would have had fixed would have been the shading; I am not that experienced. This is the link to Pedro's project. I like the fact that the project actually seems real; or at least it stays in the "real boundaries". Thinking it over, I really do think that those kind of microscopes can be manufactured, I mean it is only a giant microscopeI would like to learn the lightning (if he actually made it) skill Pedro used here; I need some classes of that specifically. So, basically what I understand from this picture, is that in a future they will be microscopes as big as that; if that's not the real image message don't care about my comment.

I really wouldn't like having his project, I mean, I really don't like the idea of having a giant microscope on my house. I really do think that this artifact could be in fact, manufactured; once you think it through you only add a big "screen" to a normal sized microscope. I really wouldn't buy it if was available. I really don't think that the artifact would change the world at all; microscopes already exist and having a bigger one doesn't change anything.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Lighting a Giant Elephant
This is the second tutorial that in my opinion will help me; it shows how to input a random elephant into a street, change its color to the one of the base picture, and input a shadow. I will use the really helpful tip that was given up , when making a shadow, make two separate layers to work with.

Raspberry Frog
I chose the turorial "how to make a raspberry frog"; it basically explains how to fuse a frog with a raspberry into looking like a frog made out of a raspberry.I will use the turning down the opacity of an image so I can work with it and manipulate to make a good fusing.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

Social Media Revolution

The comments I encountered were all agreeable; all of them had great data. The other point is that all of the posts I commented had all the same point as I did; of course, better. I specifically liked how the people got to the point; they all had unique characteristics. We all agreed that social media wether you like it or not, social media is good. In conclusion, social media is not a fad but it is the future of society.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

Artifacts From the Future

I picked this masterpiece;what do you think about it?
I chose to put this picture as an example of futuristic advance, maily due to the fact that what it expresses it could be real. We may actually experience this some day;who knows? At the rate we are going our so called "media" will disappear;not all of it will, however most likely the one thing that will survive it's the internet.The world may see actually the current period of time we live in as a single piece of work, "the primitive entertainment",this is all let to their imagination.

While observing this I got an idea: ;a life-controlling computer.It will require the minimum energy; it will cost a hundred dollars and three quarters of the world will have it available.It will complete all of the life-depending tasks.It will practically fo your life for you.Also it will hooked directly into your brain.Internet in one second, going to the bathroom, done, everything reduced to the most easy and practical way.